
What's New

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We’re cooking up an abundance for this fall:

  • supersonic flight,
  • femmes fatales in film,
  • recorded music then and now,
  • a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to be a curator,
  • and modern detective fiction.

There’s more, of course: more of our Conversations series, more current events, more great books to discuss. But you’ll have to be patient for the rest!

Registration will open mid-August.

image of pc gathering

Presidents' College Fall Kickoff

Wednesday, September 18 | 4:30–6:00 p.m.

Not to be missed! Music, conversation and good cheer abound in the Hartford Art School's Joseloff Gallery. 

We’ll have details for you, along with that all important registration link, in August.

Great courses on the way

Javon Jackson

Jilda Aliotta keeps us up to speed on the implications of the latest Supreme Court decisions, while Warren Goldstein’s Hot Topics will be even hotter in election season. Catherine Stevenson brings her delight in Victorian literature and contemporary theater to Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde on Page and Stage, in partnership with the Hartford Stage. Don’t forget Javon Jackson and Matt Dechamplain, who will hone our ear for jazz, and Mike Magee, who will delve into the future of A.I. in medicine.

Presidents’ College Around Campus

Presidents' College Conversations: Chatting with Professor Sujata Pisharoty-Norman after the session on neurodiversity

Finding their next great read at the Silent Book Club at Real Art Ways

Professor Laura Pence answers students’ questions after her lecture on the changing nature of forest fires

The Entwyned trio brings to life Celtic music from song collections that were almost destroyed, and educates us about traditional Celtic instruments.

Learning about contemporary photography and activism with Professor Rashmi Viswanathan ​

Professor David Goldenberg teases out the implications of the Korematsu v. U.S. Supreme Court Trial on Japanese internment during World War II for current debates on immigration.​

Presidents' College Conversations: ​Students respond to Joel Lohr and Elly Vozzola’s suggestions on bridging political and religious divides.​

Professors Bilal Sekou and Jilda Aliotta discuss the implications of the pending prosecutions on both left and right in the 2024 Presidential election.​